Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Update

We spent this week visiting PCV's (Peace Corps Volunteers) at their sites to see exactly how they live and what we can possibly expect for living conditions. It was incredibly enlightening to visit organizations that are affiliated with the peace corps and to be able to see just how volunteers are living. The volunteer I visited has electricity and running water (only cold) but her living situation seemed luxurious compared to what I have been living in for the past month. It was wonderful to be able to eat American food, and even more wonderful to know that we will be able to get/make most of the ingredients necessary for Quesadillas... as we all know I am obsessed.

The volunteer I visited was working with an HIV/AIDS organization and stayed very busy at her site. I am excited to see where I will be placed and whether I will have a lot to do or will be scrambling to find work. We got to talking about the trips she has taken etc. and it got me very excited about the prospect of traveling. I would love to do Kilimanjaro within a year, and anyone who is interested should definitely book a plane ticket and come on the adventure. I am also aching for a trip to Zanzibar over Christmas so save up your tip money and come with!!

Other than that, not much is new. Life is good and I am learning a ton, though the language is exponentially harder than I expected. Hope KC is treating everyone well. Miss you like crazy.

1 comment:

Kara Siefker said...

mmmmm quesadillas ;) nanannanana... I can't help but think back to being in the stellies waiting for my placement in SLCD when I read this. Brought me back :) I am so eager for you! I miss you...