Monday, January 18, 2010

My College

So Dad got a little crazy on google maps and found and arial view of my college! Here is the link to it:


So its shaped like a triangle with all of the teachers quarters at the base of the triangle. My house is on the far left hand side. If you zoom out a bit and look at the red roofs... that is the deaf school. To the east of my college is what seems to be a river, but is actually a swamp... its water but it is so covered in vegetation that I have never actually seen the water. Zoom out some more and you can see where I have to go to buy food. Its called Ssaza. Enjoy :)


Kara Siefker said...

AHHH!! Your dad showed this to me. You should have seen how excited he got.... it was precious :)

Nick D said...

I am an RPCV (Uganda 02-04) and I will be bringing some kids back there in a few months. Any chance I can meet you ad others who are in the midst of their PC service? I'd love my HS kids from the UsA to meet some of you. Let me know! Also, if Shirley or Henry or Karim still work there, please send them my contact info. Peace.